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How you can support musicians

➡️ Listen their works, when you can, when it pleases you., preferably on a streaming service if you use one

Subscribe to the artist channel.

You have to know that Spotify & Deezer's new policies is to not pay any more small artists until one song reaches more than 1000 listens (at our level that's huge already). Not sure about Apple Music policy. But services like TIDAL and QOBUZ will pay every cent to the artists from the first stream. Furthermore they provide HD streams that fully respect the original sound quality. Also good to know that one listen is counted by stream services only if its duration is over 30 sec. Zapping on the songs brings therefore no revenu at all. YouTube and Facebook brings no revenue.

Even if the expected revenue is close to zero it means a lot in terms or recognition for the work done and for the pleasure given.

➡️ Leave comments on YouTube. It allows you to establish direct contact with the artist, which is also one of those little signs of mutual recognition.

➡️ When you visit this website the firt time, please leave your email (🔝 of the site), so that we know that you were here. Having your email could allow us to send a short newsletter once in a while (not more than once a month).

The goal is not to spoil your email box. Instead, the goal is to establish direct and respectful communication that no longer goes through the twisted algorithms of Facebook and other platforms. For your part, this will not cause any additional constraints. And if you no longer want to receive my mail, just tell me.

➡️ And do not hesitate to share the link to this site with all those who could share your pleasure in discovering amateur/independant artists works.

➡️ Facebook does not always allow to manage the level of notifications for each of our contacts. If you never (or rarely) see an artist posts on FB it's nearly impossible to correct that. Another reason to subscribe to this site

Don't let FB decide what is our relationship.

On the artist's YouTube channel, next to his name, change how you are notified of his new videos, from "Personalized" to "All"

This is the default setting "Personalized"

This setting "All" allows you to be notified