What's New?
August 30th, 2024
Dear visitor and artist, this site did not evolve as much as I wanted in the latest months. I'd like to remind you that your inputs are necessary to feed your artist page here. If you have any news, new music partnership, new album publication, new set of videos or any song that you'd like to get some light on please use the contact form to provide me with your information. Same if you wish any change or update on your artist page.
And don't hesitate to suggest to artists that you appreciate to subscribe here in order to obtain an artist page.
There are some musicians that I'd like to add in that platform but they did not contact me or did not answer to my call. They should know that it's never too late to be part of this new website for musicians.
And remember to let me know that you came here by leaving a message, that will be added to the Visitors Book
Visits per day, the last month
(checked on Aug 30, 24)
January 24 thru 31/2024:
Website creation! 😊
"The algorithms implemented on sites like Facebook and YouTube mainly serve commercial interests or those of music bigwigs. I realized that due to the choices of these platforms, my publications could only reach a random portion of you (friends and loved ones who like my work). No matter how hard I tried, a large portion of you weren't notified when I released a new song or video.
So I decided to launch my own website to present my work and the one of my music partners. Contrary to the commercial logic that predominates on social networks (often without our knowledge), here I only share my passion with everyone who wishes.
Here you can view videos without being solicited by advertisements, you can consult our discography, see some photos, find links to audio streaming sites where my music is available (if you use one of these services do not hesitate to "like" or "subscribe" to my artist page to be informed of everything that will be published in the future).
All you have to do is save this website: https://yvalain.online among your favorites and then please visit it from time to time.
Thank you so much. 🤝
Your support matters!”
This website is created by Yvalain with hostinger.com
February 1st/2024:
Website officially launched! 🤗
Extract of the announcement:
"As a creator, I thought I would find a solution on these networks to reach a wider audience. And frankly I am very happy to have met many friends with whom we had common passions. Fandalism, thanks to generous people like Carol Forsloff and a few others, was a very warm community of musicians in its beginnings. I had experienced this with the European platform Jamendo, until financiers destroyed all the functions allowing exchanges between musicians and listeners, in favor of paid programs. As noted previously, this treasure of relationships built over the years is gradually crumbling on the social media, due to their own logics.
In real life I may not have interacted with my best friend for a month but when we meet again nothing has changed. On social media (SM) it’s totally different. If you have been absent or sick or busy elsewhere FB and YT decide that your contacts will receive fewer notifications from you. After a while it's like you've lost all your friends. The solution that these SM want to force you to adopt is the "click machine", not to regain the esteem of your friends, but to go up in their algorithms and ultimately allow your posts to be seen again.
The question that was raised by one of you is this: are you ready to spend 80% of your time communicating on SM, obviously to the detriment of your other occupations, notably your creative activity? Like many of you here I played the game, but it’s endless and hopeless.
Another concern that I'm sure I share with other creators is the volatility and fragmentation of information on these SM. These applications generate pressure, which has a lot of similarities with the race for profit. Everything has to go quickly. One novelty chases the other. So if I share a link to a new work, this information will pass at full speed, it will quickly be overtaken by other information coming from elsewhere. Quickly buried under tons of other information. Barely created it is already obsolete!
However, if the SM does not differentiate between a meme, a photo of kittens or an original creation, it is quite different for the musician (or other artists). For a long time I adapted to the tools as they exist. But over time I realize that their superficial aspect does not serve my need which is to establish a stable link with the people that I chose myself over the SM and who also chose me. Like all of you, I couldn't go on without the SM, in the world as it is today. But it seems necessary to me to establish a direct relationship with you, which is not hostage to the algorithms and whims of the SM (without trying to replace them).
For this I created a website, that meets these needs, which I have now clearly identified. This site offers those who go there the possibility of having stable, simple and sufficiently complete information concerning not only my activities as a musician but also those of all my music partners. My goal is to offer, aside the existing social media, a quiet zone, with no pressure, no commercials, no hidden business intentions, no race for stats, where the information is non-fragmentary and non-volatile. One of its main features is to allow a direct and respectful communication with you, that is not subjected to being formatted by FB or YT own needs)
So here is what I imagined: https://yvalain.online
Whenever you want, go ahead and make up your mind. I did some tests with some of you and the feedback was generally very positive. I also hope that this site will serve as an example and that other creators, musicians or others, will want to follow in my footsteps. In such a case I am at their disposal to give them all useful information. They can contact me by private message."